Advent Next PodcastAdvent Next is a podcast aimed at serving the next generation of God seekers
with a deeper and more intellectual conversation faith, science, the bible and topics that guide our interaction with society and one another. This platform is dedicated to bringing you PhD professors, experts and professionals that can provide you with the tools you need to go deeper in your study of theology, ethics and the formation of your worldview. |
Disruptive Adventism PodcastDisruptive Adventism’s goal is simple: Create change in society.
We are dedicated to showcasing the stories of people around the globe to display how they are effecting change in their local context. While our podcast deals with a subset group of individuals, Seventh-day Adventists, we invite anyone to come and share their stories of success or struggle. We believe in giving a voice to everyone possible, even those who have not been able to find their own. Empowering people is our motto, and creating change is the final result that we seek. That’s why we always invite you to: Be disruptive. |
Adventology PodcastAdventology is dedicated to preparing you and the people you love for the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. If you believe in our mission then I invite you to join our community of supporters who make this ministry possible.
Chasing Hope w/Katherine AbrahamHi, I am Katherine Abraham, your host, and dost on Chasing Hope! Let’s talk about the valleys and peaks of the Christian life. We will try to answer the hard questions that people continuously ask and, most of all, provide answers that aim to give our readers and listeners hope for every day.
Adventist Peace Radio PodcastFrom their earliest roots Seventh-day Adventists, at their best, have been concerned with restoring personal and social wholeness through a commitment to justice and peace.
We therefore appeal to all Adventists to join us in reclaiming our faith tradition's historic commitment to peacemaking and conscientious objection in times of war. We challenge all Adventists to engage in the vital work of restoring community through active service to society. We welcome in friendship persons of all beliefs or none who wish to stand beside us in dialogue and in action to create more just, more equitable, more sustainable, and more compassionate social realities. |
Advent History PodcastPodcasting has been around for a few decades, but Matthew Lucio has been doing original-content
Adventist podcasting longer than anyone. Matthew realized that a lot of the questions he faced as a pastor had their roots in Adventist history. Lacking sufficient discipline to learn Adventist history in his spare time, he decided to teach it in podcast form. |
NAD Newspoints on the AirNAD NewsPoints ON THE AIR is a podcast that features topical, informative conversations about the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, its 1.2 million members, educational and health care institutions, and ministries, and how they impact their communities. The podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Podcasts.
Humans of AdventismHumans of Adventism is as simple as it sounds: just a little slice of the internet focusing on Adventist humans. Inspired by Brandon Stanton's Humans of New York, HoA is a storytelling platform that shares the experiences and perspectives of the Adventist people. Unlike Humans of New York, however, all of the photos we use are provided by the person featured. This allows us to reach out beyond our own neighborhood for a more diverse set of stories.
For those who aren't Adventist, we hope that we can still provide something you can relate with. Adventist humans are pretty similar to other humans when it gets down to it. We fear and worry, hope and struggle, and try to figure out our place in the world just like everyone else. These are our stories. |
I'm Listening with Justin KhoeJustin Khoe (pronounced “ku”) is a professional Youtuber, podcaster and church consultant creating content for the spiritually curious. Justin has partnered with numerous organizations including Allmade, A Better World Canada, Faithlife, and hundreds of churches, colleges, and conferences around the world.
By bringing people from opposing ideologies, religions, and politics, Justin works towards a world where each person has a more established set of beliefs because they have been challenged and explored. |
Growing Young AdventistsGrowing Young Adventists [#GYA] is a learning journey for local churches and leaders helping to build faith communities that will not only survive, but thrive in the years ahead. It is an inter-generational movement nurturing relationship building and cultural transformation that embraces young people and benefits all generations in the Adventist church.
Sparked by the North American Division, but taking root in the unions and conferences across our territory, #GYA endeavors to cheer, support, and resource congregations who desire the vitality of our young people and the great relationships they bring. |
ARISE OnlineFar from being a collection of random stories, the Bible is one big story of God’s faithful love for fallen humanity. ARISE Online is an interactive video course that lets you study your way through Scripture with a narrative lens. So whether you’re learning from home or with a small group from your church, you’ll discover that every character, doctrine, and theological tenet has its place in the story. And—maybe best of all—you’ll find your own place in the story.
Light BearersLight Bearers is a full-throttle gospel ministry, urgent to hasten the second coming of Christ, by spreading the good news of His saving grace, in the context of the three angels’ messages, as fast and as far as possible with the talents and resources God gives us.
Light Bearers live to see people enlightened with the love of Christ and equipped to bear that light to others as effective disciple-making disciples. |
Amazing FactsAmazing Facts is a multifaceted, soul-winning ministry committed to proclaiming the gospel and the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ and in doing our part to lift Him up to the entire world.
Truth LinkDo you want to hear God’s voice speaking to you, in your heart, through the pages of the Bible? Truth Link is a series of 27 Bible Study guides written specifically to enable you to see and experience the love of God. Discover. Connect. Experience. His love…Truth Link.
Adventist Learning CommunityAdventist Learning Community is a Seventh-Day Adventist ministerial and educational platform designed to strengthen professionals and believers through educational courses, ministerial training, and dissemination of uniquely Adventist content.
Hope ChannelThe official television network of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hope Channel offers programs on wholistic Christian living and focuses of faith, health, relationships, and community.
Heather Thompson DayDr. Heather Thompson Day is an interdenominational speaker and contributor for Religion News Service, Newsweek and the Barna Group.
She is also an Associate Professor of Communication at Colorado Christian University. She is passionate about supporting women, and runs an online community called I’m That Wife which has nearly 200k followers. Heather’s writing has been featured on the Today Show, and the National Communication Association. She has been interviewed by BBC Radio Live. She believes her calling is to stand in the gaps of our churches for young people. She is the author of 7 books; including It’s Not Your Turn, and Confessions of a Christian Wife. She resides in Denver, Colorado with her husband, Pastor Seth Day, and their three children, London, Hudson, and Sawyer Day. |
Kevin WilsonI am Kevin Wilson. I was born in Sri Lanka, moved to the Sultanate of Oman when I was 12, and have lived in Maryland, Lebanon, Michigan, and California.
Over the past 29 years, I’ve picked up 3.5 languages and have traveled to 13 countries. I am a cultural mutt. My multi-cultural upbringing has instilled me this deep belief that people cannot be reduced to a sum of body parts, a few sentences on a social media post, nor a set of labels. I believe people are stories, created in the image of God with a capacity for love and to love. Chai, to me, has been a consistent companion during these cross cultural adventures; an enduring connector of humanity as it is a symbol of the good life. Here you will find a cross-section of who I am: My love for chai, coupled with a love for authentic connection and the pursuit of the good life. Welcome! |
Ty GibsonTy is Director of Light Bearers and pastor of Storyline Adventist Church in Eugene, Oregon. A passionate communicator with a message that opens minds and moves hearts, Ty teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love as the central theme of the Bible. He has authored eight best-selling books. Ty and his wife Sue have three adult children and two grandsons.